Sunday, June 27, 2004
Civic Center Expectations.

I read in the Birmingham News this past Saturday that they are making an addition to the Birmingham Civic Center. The people who run the Civic Center seem to think this addition will draw in millions of people from all around, making Birmingham a city within the ranks of Los Angeles and New York. If you ask me, that's not likely. The article itself said something along the lines of "impossible" as well in regards to it being a first-tier American city. I wish it were a first-tier American city; maybe then we would get many more musical acts. And that brings up the question of Auburn and decent bands coming through here. The UPC or whatever needs to get on the ball and organize something major, really soon.

chandler at 12:32 AM | |

Friday, June 18, 2004
The Director's Cut

I am really excited about the director's cut of Donnie Darko. From the reviews I have read (I really couldn't resist -- it's not like it'll be released in theatres around here anyway), it sounds excellent. I've heard that the deleted scenes included in the DVD of the theatrical release are included, along with a few extra scenes Richard Kelly filmed specifically for the new release. Even the soundtrack (excellent) has been tinkered with. Kelly switched a few songs around, albeit not switching The Pet Shop Boys' West End Girls for Duran Duran's Notorious in the Sparkle Motion scene. I don't know how long I can wait for this DVD.

chandler at 5:35 PM | |


A new Christianized version of American Idol is coming our way this fall on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. The show, Gifted, will feature contestants in the age group of 18-24, just like it's Fox counterpart. The performers who actually make it to the program will be scrutinized by "celebrity" judges. Considering I can barely sit through five minutes of American Idol, I'm planning on steering clear of this show.

chandler at 2:40 PM | |

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