Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Amazing Race: August 24th

I really liked this week's episode of Amazing Race, it may even be my favorite of the season so far (I loved the Charla/Mirna footage at the end of the August 17th episode -- what were you thinking, Bruckheimer?) Colin deserved all of that trouble he got into. How stupid could he be? I almost wish he would have been thrown into that prison. I was hoping that maybe The Bowling Moms would be left behind to finish last (considering they are the bane of my existence, next to Charla and Mirna, that is), but of course they caught back up. Nicole was also right in scolding Brandon about the money -- Chip should watch how he spends his money too. Kami should have listened to Karli (it may be the other way around, I have no idea) when she wanted to stop at the flag the first time they saw it -- they would probably still have all of their money (and those stupid Bowling Moms would be stuck without any money). I thought it was all over when The Moms got stuck in that hole, but of course they get away with getting out just in time to finish fourth place, directly in front of The Twins. I guess I'm glad The Moms are still in it, I need someone to hate to keep me really interested in this season.

chandler at 9:51 PM | |

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