Sunday, August 15, 2004
Phish Insanity

Over the last weekend, Phish played, or attempted to play, their last concert in Coventry, Vermont. Considering the torrential rains they have been receiving via Charley, the place is covered with mud, a la Bonnaroo 2004. 40,000 people entered the venue before the police stopped letting people drive their cars onto the camping area, claiming the area had turned into an, "impassable quagmire." So, just like any old smelly hippie would do, they abandoned their cars on the side of the road, and walked twelve miles to the camp site instead. Surprisingly, the people attending the concert are being pretty calm, and aren't causing any riotous behavior. If you ask me, Phish can't go out this way, and I'm guessing that they will probably put on another farewell show when the weather and everything else permits.

chandler at 6:28 PM | |

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