Thursday, September 16, 2004
Hurricane? More like hurri-LAME!

Hurricane Ivan was supposed to be terrible in Auburn. I'm not denying the fact that terrible things did not occur, just nothing happened in our neighborhood. The only really bad part was the lack of electricity, a necessity for my sister and I. A few of my friends actually went to the creek today to go swimming during the storm, that is how much of a pansy this storm was. I hope everyone is safe, etc etc.

One bonus that came with this storm was the visitation by my immediate relatives that reside in Fairhope, AL. I thought that this visit would be a bad experience, but I was wrong [aside from the 10 animals they brought with them. The dogs were barking so much two nights ago that some dillweed called the police with a noise complaint (they weren't barking that loud)]. With them came my cousin, Hunter, who is very cool. She let me borrow ALL of her CDs for a solid week (I'm talking A LOT of music -- 4 garbage-bag loads of it!). Major props to her.

chandler at 7:36 PM | |

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