Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Phoenix U.S. Tour Dates

Phoenix has just announced their first-ever U.S. tourdates. Unfortunately for me, the closest tourdate is in Chicago (if I had the necessary resources, I would be there in no time). If ANY of you are in the following cities, I urge you to attend...

Nov. 29: Philadelphia (World Cafe)
Nov. 30: Boston (Axis)
Dec. 2: New York (Bowery Ballroom)
Dec. 4: Milwaukee (Onopa Brewing Co.)
Dec. 5: Chicago (Double Door)
Dec. 7: Seattle (Chop Suey)
Dec. 9: San Francisco (Popscene)
Dec. 12: Los Angeles (Troubadour)
Dec. 13: San Diego (Cane's)

I can guarantee that Phoenix will put on a good show, and you will have an enjoyable experience.

chandler at 6:19 PM | |

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