Sunday, January 30, 2005
Conor Oberst - 2, Ryan Adams - 3

Two days ago, Ryan Adams announced his plans of releasing THREE albums this year. Yes, you heard right, THREE. The first album to be released, Cold Roses, is a double album produced by Thomas Schick. It will also be recorded with The Cardinals. No other details are known about it, but if you go to the official site, you will be able to hear (what I am guessing is) a track from Cold Roses (the title of which is "Magnolia Mountain").

The second album, Jacksonville, will be a solo effort. It too will be produced by Thomas Schick. Again, no details are known of this release. The other album being dropped, 29, will also be a solo album. More importantly, it will be produced by Ethan Johns, of Heartbreaker fame. Yes, you are cordially invited.

chandler at 10:51 PM | |

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