Monday, February 21, 2005
The Life Aquatic: Criterion Edition

I was extra-excited today when I saw news that The Life Aquatic will be given the Criterion treatment come May 10. Supplemental material will include a director's commentary (I really wish Bill Murray would sit in with Wes and comment on the film), deleted scenes, cast and crew interviews, and other features (I hope storyboards are included, a la Rushmore). I know many people will gripe about how The Life Aquatic doesn't deserve being released as a Criterion Collection set, but I could care less of what they think. I thought that The Life Aquatic was an excellent film, and will be well-worth spending money on. Although I would love a re-release of Bottle Rocket through the Criterion Collection, I can definitely settle with this for now.

chandler at 4:16 PM | |

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