Thursday, March 31, 2005
Seriously, Don't Believe The Truth

Noel Gallagher of Oasis says that their new album, Don't Believe The Truth, is better than anything that they've done since Definitely Maybe. Is he mad? Each member contributed songs to the album, which means that it can't possibly eclipse Heathen Chemistry in its quality. I'm praying like hell that this album just happens to be decent, and after hearing the single Lyla, I think that may be all we get -- another marginal Oasis album. Sigh.

There was some classic Liam-bashing by Noel in the article, though: There was never one point where any of us where worried – apart from Liam who’s like a woman who’s on a fucking permanent menstrual cycle all the time about everything. He’s either way up in the clouds or way down in the gutter. So taking him out of the equation, the rest of us knew it was going somewhere and we kind of had it all in our heads we just couldn’t put our finger on why the versions before the album I’ve got in front of me now weren’t sounding right.”

chandler at 1:56 PM | |

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