Friday, June 10, 2005

As I was trying to fall asleep about a week ago, I received a call from my friend Honoré to retreat to his place to play a few games of Halo. I turned down his offer, as I had to go to work the next day. I hadn't played Halo in months, so I began thinking of how much I actually played that game considering I don't even own it or an Xbox. My thoughts continued to wonder, and I was asking myself why the people at Microsoft hadn't made a deal with a major movie studio and cashed in with a Halo movie yet. A week later, to my utter disgust and surprise, I see news on Defamer giving the 'tails on the Halo movie that was in preproduction (okay, so they were pitching a script). Let's hope this one crashes and burns.

chandler at 11:41 AM | |

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