Friday, September 23, 2005

I had the distinct pleasure of seeing some sweet Sri Lankan booty-shakin' last Monday night courtesy of M.I.A. After a few hours of driving along the wonder Georgia countryside, we ended up at our destination: the 40 Watt. The 40 Watt happens to be one of my favorite places to see live music. As Zach, Ashley, Xiaoxia, Mr. Jones and I entered the dimly-lit den, we managed to snag a couch to relax on before the show. We got up and made our way to the dance floor to wait for Spank Rock to crack this thing wide open. We thought we were in a pretty good spot to get down until the music started -- obnoxious drunks and very annoying girls ended up sandwiching us in, so as soon as Spank Rock ended, we moved next to the bar, where the crowd had kind of thinned out. After twenty minutes of chatting it up, DJ Contra made his way to the stage and began to do his thing. After five or ten minutes of straight-up music, M.I.A. danced her fine self onto stage and began to spit some serious rhymes. TOTALLY AWESOME. She was all over the place all night long, albeit all night long would entail a 1 hr. and 15 min. show. Nonetheless, we all had a good time, and we really hope that she comes back soon (at least so Xiaoxia and M.I.A. can join in holy matrimony).

chandler at 2:18 PM | |

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